To fly


...Standing on the offing he wanted to fly.

It was a bright, sunny day and a calm sough of warm waves touched the hot sand reluctantly. Overhead, a cold blue sky's eternity was pierced by white streaks of soft clouds. Best of all, he was alone!

How strange it was, to look on the blue sky reflecting in a blue sea! And to guess - maybe it's the sea which is reflecting in the blue sky? The blue was becoming intolerable.

...In any case, standing on the offing he wanted to fly.

He wanted to go away; to go far away from the laws of this world and simply fly. Is that so hard? Is that so unnatural?
It seemed that it was because he didn't have wings and they didn't hurry up to appear. Yes, he'd flown many times in his dreams. He could fly like a bird, easily flying past the houses in his neighborhood -- how tiny they appeared! He'd spent hours hovering over the beach before flying across the sea... Sometimes though, he flew like a stone.
Down, Down, he'd fall, gaining speed with each passing moment until he smacked against the asphalt, shattering into hundreds of tiny shards that tried in vain to fly again... The sound always had the same effect. C~R~A~C~K! and he'd wake up from the nightmare in a cold sweat, with beads of perspiration on his forehead that would roll down his slack face as he reoriented himself to his mundane surroundings.

But how could he make the pleasing dreams come true?
How does one learn to fly like a bird, and not like a stone?
...He didn't know, but... standing on the offing he wanted to fly.

He waited, watching for signs -- anything that might provide a clue as to how he should proceed. Glancing at his watch - he saw that it was already 14:14. He had spent the day swimming, which was as close to flying as he could come in his present form. Sometimes he'd hyperventilate, and with one final gulp of air he'd swim down to the bottom. Gliding across the sealife below him, he'd swim out to sea until he thought that his lungs might burst. Then, he'd push off with his feet and shoot towards the surface. He wished he could keep rising, but inevitably, he'd sink back into the sea. Denied. Sometimes he was overjoyed to be able to breathe freely again, other times he suspected that he would have been happier if he hadn't reached the surface. Today, he was indifferent, and allowed the surf to toss him up on the beach like so much flotsam.

Here it comes again... that urge; he wanted to fly.

He put his clothes back on, though he was in no mood to do so. Suddenly, he screamed... voicing the frustration that had been building inside of him, and flung his watch into the sea. A sardonic grin spread across his face.
"Time flies", he thought. He took one last look at the ocean, but his gaze kept shifting upwards... The grin faded as he turned towards his car to begin the long drive home.

...He loved the sea and the sky. Gulping the tears together with the dust of the road, he still yearned to fly.

iliks/hugi ("remixed" by the Alchemist)